UYEGP Loan Applying details Tamilnadu Check Eligibility and Registration

UYEGP Loan Applying details Tamilnadu

UYEGP Loan Applying details Tamilnadu: The Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Department of Government of Tamil Nadu has introduced the scheme Unemployed Youth Employment Generation Programme (UYEGP). The key objective of this UYEGP scheme is to diminish the unemployment problems of socially and economically weaker section of the society, particularly among the educated and unemployed to become self-employed by setting up  Service, Manufacturing, Business enterprises by availing loan with subsidy assistance from the State Government. In this article, we will look at the Unemployed Youth Employment Generation Programme (UYEGP) scheme in detail.

UYEGP Basic details:

Educational Qualification Should have passed 8th Standard
Annual Family Income Rs. 5,00,000/-
Age Limit Minimum 18 Years
Maximum for General Category 35 Yrears
Maimum for Special Category ( SC/ST/BC/MBC/MINORITIES
/Ex-Servicemen / Differently Ables / Transgender)
45 Years

S.No Document Particulars File Format File Size
1 Passport size photo Jpeg 50 kb
2 Transfer Certificate pdf 50 kb
3 Ration Card pdf 50 kb
4 Residence Proof – Aadhaar Card/Voter’s ID pdf 50 kb
5 Copy of Quotations with GST Number ( if it is more
than one page scan it one file)
pdf 50 kb
6 Community Certificate pdf 50 kb
7 Proof of Differently abled/Ex-service man/Transgender pdf 50 kb

Application Procedure for Unemployed Youth Employment Generation Programme (UYEGP)

2. Fill up the online application form carefully with correct information.
3. After filling the ” Details of Entrepreneur” , Upload the photo, fill up “Unit Details” and press ” Proceed” button.
4. Now note down the reference umber appears on the screen and press the “close” symbol.
5. After uploading the document, use ” View” option, verify the documents uploaded for correctness, Put a’ √’ mark in the check box appears in the bottom of the screen and press ” Submit Application” button.
6. Now take print out of the application form and other documents generated along with the application form.
7. The message regarding the submission of online application for to GM/DIC / RJD will be received in your mobile phone.
8. The application and the documents submitted through online portal is sufficient and there is no need to submit the hard copy of the application and documents to GM/DIC/RJD either in person or by Post.
While you are called for interview by the Task Force Committee, you have to submit the Originals of all the documents for verification and the following hard copies.
a) Signed copy of the Application.
b) Affidavit (as in the model generated along with the application,) typed in Rs.20/- Non Judicial Stamp paper duly signed by yourself and attested by a Notary Public.
c) Signed copy of the Project report form generated along with the application.
10. Understand and act according to the UYEGP Flow chart (generated along with the application) explaining the steps in implementation of the Scheme.

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Article Writer, has been with Jobcaam since 2019. specializes in gathering details, checking facts, Good at conveying things easily.

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